It’s that time of year again… Children’s Week. I’m sure it’s everyone’s favorite in-game holiday. Or…? Either way, if you’re like me and working on your What A Long, Strange Trip It’s Been achievement to obtain the Reins of the Violet Proto-Drake, you’ll want to see what’s needed to complete this holiday. Children’s Week Achievements For the Children – WotLK Classic by Wowhead has got you covered.

WotLK Classic free character transfers for some lower populated realms
Other tidbit of news is the newly opened free character transfers off select North American Wrath Classic realms. This includes: Angerforge, Skyfury, Earthfury, Myzrael, Maladath, and Azuresong.
Lastly, I posted another new YouTube video over the weekend highlighting some more Classic hardcore, and other datamining news. Check it out!
That’s all for now. Until next time!