Blizzard’s X account recently tweeted this infographic of total deaths from 1 month of Hardcore, broken down by class:

Hunter surprisingly tops the charts as many would’ve guessed Warrior. We previously saw the most popular class was Warrior, and least played Shaman. Knowing those stats, no surprise seeing Shaman with the least deaths.
I don’t think it’s a reflection on survivability per se, but rather goes in hand-in-hand with popularity. Afterall, Hunter did come in as the 2nd most popular class created. I made a short video recapping those stats:
In other Blizzard news, we received the floor plan for BlizzCon 2023. World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, and Warcraft Rumble, Darkmoon Faire, and a few other sites will be packaged into Hall D at the Anaheim convention center: