We recently reported that an encrypted Patch 1.15 was released on the WoW Classic launcher. Today, another encrypted patch was released, leading to speculations that Classic Era may receive Season of Mastery 2, Hardcore realms, or some form of Classic plus updates in the future.
Blizzard has recently made changes to the Vendor CDN by replacing a 10.0.0 build with the latest Patch 1.14.4 for WoW Classic. Currently, WoW Classic is still on Patch 1.14.3 and no PTRs are available for Classic at the moment.
[Patch Sniffer]: Patch Sniffer detected changes @wow-patch-sniffer
WoW vendor wowv version changed ->
CDNConfig hash changes: wowv, wowv2, wowv3, wowv4
[CASC Downloader]: Finished run for wowv enus.
ERRORS: executable download, data download
Regarding the above lines of code, usually Vendor Builds are established in advance of a Patch being transferred to a PTR. However, the PTR Realms for Classic Era are currently unavailable as they have been occupied by Dragonflight builds. But, with the latest update to Dragonflight 10.0.7, there is a chance that a PTR Realm may become available soon for WoW Classic.